NYACP Sponsorship Opportunities

The NYACP 2024 Annual Meeting will be a half day training and networking meeting. This event is attended by the majority of NYACP members and is a celebratory event. After the training portion of the meeting, there will be an informal networking reception from 5:00PM to 7:00PM.
Annual Meeting Platinum Sponsor - $2,500
- Display table and space for your banner display
- Full page back, inside front, or inside back cover color program advertisement (8.5" wide x 11" high full bleed). First come opt to choose for ad location. Limit of three (3).
- Company logo listed on the NYACP conference webpage and linked to your company website and marketing emails
- Introduction and comments during program
- Two tickets to conference and networking reception
- Sponsorship placard at all meal and refreshment buffet displays throughout the conference
- An opportunity to present a one-hour webinar to the NYACP Membership (Webinar topic and presentation must be approved by the NYACP Board of Directors for a negotiated date and deemed appropriate for membership).
Annual Meeting Gold Sponsor - $1,500
- Display table and space for your banner display at the meeting
- Full page color program advertisement (8" wide x 10" high)
- Introduction and comments during program
- Company logo linked to your company website on the NYACP conference webpage and marketing emails
- Two tickets to conference and networking reception
Annual Meeting Silver - $1000
- Display table and space for your banner display
- Half page color program advertisement (8" wide x 5" high)
- Company name on the NYACP conference webpage and marketing emails (unlinked)
- Introduction during program
- One ticket to conference and networking reception
Annual Meeting Bronze Sponsor - $500
- Display table with space for your banner display at the meeting
- Company logo on the NYACP conference webpage and marketing emails
- One attendee registration for the conference
* Networking hour subject to scheduling.
Annual Meeting General Sponsorship Information
- All conference sponsorship material is due three weeks prior to the event.
- In order for your advertisement to look its best, it is important for your logo/artwork to be high quality and web compatible. All artwork and imagery should be high resolution (300+ dpi) jpg or pdf format. Ad dimensions are listed above.
- Please provide us with your company’s website URL so we can provide a link from our website to your website
- The exhibit area will be open for set up one hour prior to the start of the event. Please note: The NYACP is not responsible for any material you leave at your booth.
- Please plan to remain for the entire conference for the best opportunity to speak with all our attendees.
- Electric outlets are not guaranteed. If you need one, please let the NYACP office know and we will try to accommodate your needs.
Available for in-person or virtual meetings other than the Annual Meeting will be determined per event. Please contact the NYACP Office for more information.