Contact Us

Contact The NY Association of Collaborative Professionals

Email: [email protected].

Phone: 518.313.0420 

Fax: 518.463.8656

Address: 230 Washington Avenue, Suite 101, Albany, NY  12203-5319


President: Kenneth Novenstern,  Esq. -  [email protected] - 914.241.2100

Vic President: Melissa Goodstein, Esq. - [email protected] -  914-767-0438

Treasurer: Nancy Kaye CFP, CDFA - [email protected] - 516.767.2594

Secretary: Meg Sussman - [email protected] - 914-666-0069

Immediate Past-President:  Andrea Vacca - [email protected] - 212-768-1115

Executive Director: Abby Curro – [email protected] — 518.313.0420

Directors at Large:

Neil Cahn - [email protected] - 516-741-0001
Catherine Canade’ - [email protected] - 347-834-4448
Ellen Jancko-Baken - [email protected] - 914-997-9070
Michelle Lewis - [email protected]m - 914-683-3531
Stephen Linker - [email protected] - 631-667-1905
Robert Raymond - [email protected] - 212-769-2455
Jeffrey Steiger - [email protected] - 914-282-1600