Education & Events for Interested Professionals
Education and training are top priorities at NYACP. Our programs, the jewel in the crown of NYACP, offer our members the opportunity to train with nationally recognized instructors to improve their Collaborative practice skills in substance, process and team functioning. Read more...
NYACP Monthly Pod Programs
You must be a NYACP Member to participate in these meetings, but all members are invited to any Pod Meeting. Pod meetings bring together collaborative professionals from all three disciplines for small group presentations and discussions. Each month, a different speaker or presenter is invited or a conversation topic will be introduced to provide education and networking opportunities for our members.
New York City Pod Reoccuring Zoom Pod Meetings 2nd Tuesday of Each Month at 8:30-9:30am
N. Westchester Pod Reoccuring Zoom Pod Meetings Third Wednesday of Each Month at 9:00am
Long Island Pod Reoccuring Zoom Pod Meetings First Tuesday of the Month at 8:15am

If you are a NYACP membervlooking to expand your connections with your collaborative colleagues, join us for our bi-monthly meet ups for lunch, coffee, or drinks after work. The NYACP Membership Committee organizes gatherings in Westchester, Long Island and Manhattan to offer an easy way to get to know your collaborative counterparts better with a simple RSVP. These small group (eight person) meet ups offer a wonderful opportunity to connect with collaborative colleagues you might not already know, share experiences and insights, and learn more about one another both personally and professionally.
Invitations are sent out for each scheduled meet up, and the first eight NYACP members to register will reserve a spot at the designated time and location. NYACP Members may register a guest interested in Collaborative Divorce to attend with them as an introduction to our organization (as space allows). Watch for the next Collaborative Connection event or check the NYACP calendar, and don’t miss this truly enjoyable opportunity to connect with your peers and get more involved in the NYACP.
Financial Aid Policy
The New York Association of Collaborative Professionals (NYACP) provides tuition assistance for New York attorneys who wish to attend NYACP CLE courses. In response to written requests for financial assistance received by NYACP 10 days prior to the start date of the program, we permit the attorney to attend the program under the following guidelines:
Income up to $50,000: 75% discount (excluding cost of materials, location charge* and food)
Income up to $50,000 to $75,000: 50% discount (excluding cost of materials, location charge* and food)
Income above $75,000: No discount
Attorneys in public service: 30% (excluding cost of materials, location charge*, and food)
Attorneys must include in their request an Affirmation of their financial status.
As a small, member supported organization, NYACP will, to the extent possible, work with others in need of financial assistance and unemployed attorneys who are unable to pay for materials and food on a case by case basis.
For further information, please contact [email protected].
*A "location charge" is a per person head charge on top of the venue charge that some venues impose - particularly if the venue is not providing food/drink.
(continued from above)
Education & Events for Interested Professionals
...We have designed a curriculum that includes basic Mediation and Collaborative Practice trainings for all professionals, monthly meetings, support groups, evening programs and periodic advanced programs. We welcome you to share our core value of excellence in Collaborative practice by training and learning with our Collaborative community.
Pre-registration is strongly advised to guarantee your seat and course materials. Tape Recording of NYACP programs and events is not permitted.
Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities: The NYACP will make reasonable modifications or accommodations to allow participation in its services, programs, or activities by persons with disabilities. To request any aids or services or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact the NYACP office.
For additional information regarding any program, please contact Abby Curro, NYACP Executive Director, [email protected]
Past Programs
Click Here to see photos of these great events!
2023.01.10 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2023.01.17 NYACP 2023 Mental Health Process Group 2023.01.18 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2023.01.27 529 and Less Appreciated Tax-Deferral Accounts 2023.02.09 Cyber Security Hybrid Presentation 2023.02.14 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2023.02.15 Collaborative Connections - NYC 2023.02.15 Lower Westchester SGCP Meeting 2023.02.15 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2023.02.15 NYACP Mentorship Program Begins 2023.02.24 Jacinta Gallant - Two Homes 2023.03.07 LI Pod Meetings - 8:15am 2023.03.08 Collaborative Connections - NYC - Rescheduled 2023.03.14 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2023.03.15 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2023.03.17 Negotiating the Retirement Benefits: A Primer for Collaborative Attorneys 2023.03.21 NYACP 2023 Mental Health Process Group 2023.03.23 NYACP Bowlero Social Event 2023.03.24 The Mental Health Professional in Collaborative Family Law 2023.04.11 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2023.04.17 Collaborative Connections - Long Island 2023.04.19 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2023.04.20 NYACP Event Sub Committee Meeting 2023.04.26 Stop-the-Clock 2023.05.09 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2023.05.12 Collaborative Connections - Westchester 2023.05.19 Equalization Retirement 2023.05.19 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2023.05.23 NYACP 2023 Mental Health Process Group 2023.06.01 Racial Equity in Collaborative Practice, An Invitation to Cultural Awareness, Cultural Humility and Cultural Responsibility 2023.06.13 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2023.06.16 A View from the Bench 2023.06.29 Collaborative Connections - Eastern Long Island 2023.06.29 Collaborative Connections - NYC 2023.07.25 NYACP 2023 Mental Health Process Group 2023.08.10 Collaborative Connections - Long Island 2023.09.12 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2023.09.20 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2023.09.21 Collaborative Connections - Eastern Long Island 2023.09.21 NYACP Racial Equity Media Club Meeting 2023.09.22 Collaborative Connections - Westchester 2023.09.26 NYACP 2023 Mental Health Process Group 2023.09.29 Fearless Feedback: How to Structure Debriefs to Deepen Collaborative Skills 2023.10.05 NYACP Meet & Greet in NYC 2023.10.10 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2023.10.13 Collaborative Connections - NYC 2023.11.03 Basics of Special Needs Trusts and Special Needs Planning 2023.11.07 Long Island Pod Meeting 2023.11.14 Collaborative Connections - Western Long Island 2023.11.14 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2023.11.15 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2023.11.16 NYACP Racial Equity Media Club Meeting 2023.11.28 NYACP 2023 Mental Health Process Group 2023.11.30 NYACP Annual Business Meeting and Training 2023.12.12 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2023.12.20 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting
2022.01.04 LI Pod Meeting 2022.01.11 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2022.01.14 Improving Outcomes for Children and Families with Structured Co-Parenting Communication 2022.01.19 NW Pod Meeting 2022.01.27 MCT Initiative for 2022 2022.02.08 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2022.02.16 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2022.02.18 Alternative Payment Systems, Blockchain Cryptocurrency and More 2022.03.08 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2022.03.16 NYACP NW Pod Negotiating and Drafting College Provisions in Our Collaborative Practices 2022.03.25 An introduction to the NYACP's BCIT 2022.04.12 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2022.04.20 NW Pod Part 2-Negotiating and Drafting College Provisions in Our Collaborative Practices 2022.05 NYACP Basic Collaborative Interdisciplinary Training 2022.05 NYACP Basic Collaborative Interdisciplinary Training 2022.05.10 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2022.05.18 NW Pod - The Latest from LinkedIn on Growing Your Practice in 2022 2022.06.01 NYACP Spring Social Event 2022.06.10 Narcissism and Addiction as Common Themes 2022.06.14 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2022.06.15 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2022.09.13 NYACP Professional Headshot Event - Garden City 2022.09.13 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2022.09.20 NYACP Professional Headshot Event -White Plains 2022.09.21 NW Pod Welcome Back! 2022.09.21NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 3rd Wednesday 2022.09.23 No Justice! No Peace! 2022.09.28 NYACP Professional Headshot Event - Midtown 2022.10.04 LI Pod Meetings - 8:45am 2022.10.11 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2022.10.13 Psychology of Money 2022.10.19 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2022.10.27 IACP Annual Forum 2022.11.01 LI Pod Meetings - 8:15am 2022.11.08 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2022.11.16 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2022.11.18 Civil Collaboration 2022.12.01 NYACP 2022 Annual Business Meeting and Training 2022.12.06 LI Pod Meeting 2022.12.06 LI Pod Meeting 2022.12.13 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting - Part 2
2021.01.08 Just Roll With It: Recognizing and Responding to Resistance 2021.01.12 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2021.01.20 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2021.02.09 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2021.02.09 Westchester SGCP Meeting 2021.02.17 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2021.03.05 Applying Donna Hicks Dignity Model to our Collaborative Practice 2021.03.09 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2021.03.17 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2021.04.06 LI Pod How To Have Constructive Conversations 2021.04.09 Do You Want More Inbound Traffic from LinkedIn? 2021.04.13 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2021.04.21 NW Pod Presents “How to Avoid Scams and Frauds During the Pandemic” 2021.05.11 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2021.05.14 NYACP Financial Series - Session 1 2021.05.19 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2021.06.04 Prenups 2021: How Will The Partnership Be Defined? 2021.06.08 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2021.06.16 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting - Social Media 2021.06.17 NYACP Financial Series #2 - Denisa Tova 2021.07.21 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting - Social Media 2021.07.21 NYACP Summer Celebration 2021.08.25 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting - Social Media 2021.08.31 LI Pod Hosts NYACP Zoom Meetings 2021.09.10 IACP / NYACP - Let's Get Connected! 2021.09.14 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2021.09.24 NYACP Financial Series #3 - An Overview of Investment Partnerships’ Structures 2021.10.01 Developing your Collaborative Practice Part II 2021.10.05 LI Pod Hosts NYACP Zoom Meetings 2021.10.12 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2021.10.13 Community Conversation Session 2021.10.14 Community Conversation Session 2021.10.20 Community Conversation Session 2021.10.20 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2021.10.21 Community Conversation Session 2021.11.02 LI Pod Hosts NYACP Zoom Meetings 2021.11.09 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2021.11.12 Monitoring Drug and Alcohol Use During Child Custody Disputes 2021.11.17 N. Westchester Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2021.12.02 NYACP 2021 Annual Business Meeting and Training 2021.12.07 LI Pod Hosts NYACP Zoom Meetings 2021.12.14 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting
2020.12.27 NYC SGCP Wednesday Group Meeting 2020.12.20 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.12.12 NYC SGCP Tuesday Group Meeting 2020.12.10 NYACP 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting - Day 2 2020.12.03 NYACP 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting - Day 1 2020.11.25 NYC SGCP Wednesday Group Meeting 2020.11.18 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.11.10 NYC SGCP Tuesday Group Meeting 2020.11.03 LI Pod Hosts NYACP Zoom Meeting 2020.10.28 NYC SGCP Wednesday Group Meeting 2020.10.21 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.10.16 The Child-Parent Security Act: Part 2: Everything You Need to Know About This Groundbreaking New Law 2020.10.13 NYC SGCP Tuesday Group Meeting 2020.10.13 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.10.06 LI Pod Hosts NYACP Zoom Meetings 2020.10.02 The Child-Parent Security Act: Part 1: Everything You Need to Know About This Groundbreaking New Law 2020.09.30 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.09.29 LI Pod Hosts NYACP Zoom Meetings 2020.09.25 3 Vital Questions®: A Framework for Collaborative Practice 2020.09.16 NYC SGCP Wednesday Group Meetings Fall 2020 2020.09.16 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.09.15 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.08.25 NYC SGCP Tuesday Group Meetings 2020.08.12 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.07.29 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.07.21 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.07.15 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.07.14 LI Pod Hosts NYACP Zoom Meetings 2020.07.06 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.07.01 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.06.26 Answers To Collaborative Professionals’ Frequently Asked Estate Planning Questions 2020.06.24 NYC SGCP Wednesday Group Meetings 2020.06.23 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.06.17 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.06.16 LI Pod Hosts NYACP Zoom Meetings 2020.06.10 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.06.09 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.06.05 Streamlining the Collaborative Process 2020.06.03 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.06.02 LI Pod Hosts NYACP Zoom Meeting 2020.06.01 Westchester SGCP Zoom Meetings 2020.05.27 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.05.26 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.05.22 The Single Most Effective Activity for Building Your Collaborative Law Practice in Uncertain Times 2020.05.20 NYC SGCP Wednesday Meetings 2020.05.15 QDRO Tips ~ PART TWO Zoom Webinar 2020.05.14 LI Pod Hosts NYACP Zoom Meeting 2020.05.13 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.05.12 NYC Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.05.07 We’re Selling. Who’s Buying? How to Get More Collaborative Cases 2020.04.29 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.04.23 Zoom Training - QDRO Tips: How to Avoid Malpractice and Speed up the QDRO Process 2020.04.22 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.04.21 NYC Pod Meeting - Exploring Marketing Ideas for the NYC Pod 2020.04.21 LI Pod April 2020 Zoom Meeting 2020.04.15 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.04.13 Westchester SGCP April Meeting 2020.04.08 NW Pod Hosts NYACP Meeting 2020.03.25 NYC SGCP Meeting 2020.03.25 N. Westchester Pod Zoom Meeting - "Coronavirus and your Collaborative Practice: An Opportunity to Talk" 2020.03.19 NYACP Board of Directors Meeting 2020.03.19 N. Westchester Pod - Deb Wayne "PreNups and The Elephant in the Room" 2020.03.12 The NYACP Long Island Pod March Meeting 2020.03.03 Westchester SGCP March Meeting 2020.02.18 NYC Pod Meeting - Remembering Monica Kaiser 2020.02.13 Behind Closed Doors -Domestic Violence in the Context of Divorce 2020.01.21 NYC Pod Meeting and Presentation - What Do Your Peers Think? 2020.01.16 N. Westchester Pod - Bankruptcy in Divorce
NYACP Topic and Speaker Bureau
Have you seen a great speaker recently that would be a good fit for a NYACP event or training? Do you have a presentation that would benefit your colleagues? Are you interested in a topic that affects collaborative professionals? We want to hear your suggestions for our events next year!